Friday July 9, ICPs Allen Windz and Ava Grab-mor hosted the 50s/60s/70s show at King of Clubs Stilletto night. The crowd had a great time, the show was a blast (including performance debuts by Crown Princess Siobhan and Viridian Crown Countess Tameva Eshlaina von Frankenstein) and by the end of the evening we'd raised $579 towards our goals. Well done, and thanks to everyone who came out to play and/or perform. KOC is looking forward to next months Fright Night Friday on August 13th!
Saturday's Bowlathon and Nine-Pin No-Tap Tournament was lightly attended but the enthusiasm of everyone involved made up for it. Special thanks to the contingent who came down from Alameda (Empress Deneka, Emperor Alex P and Grand Duchess IX Cseneca Greenwood), and to A Tinker's Damn who donated the tournament prize fund. By the end of the afternoon the grand total was $583
Congratulations, too, to Marquessa JoAn Torres and Crown Countess TamEva for the Spectacular Chicago Caberet at Club Savoy Saturday night. The numbers were tight, the music was sultry, and the Girls of Cell Block 5 (with some help from ICP Allen) brought the house down in the final number. The regulars from the main bar seemed to particularly like that act, so don't be surprised if we see more of them next month. They certainly liked it enough to help us raise $295 by the end of the show.
And finally, when I stopped by the Sunday gathering at Renegade's things were hopping. Grand Duchess Madame Steele and board member and Master of Adiaphanous Prognostication Michael Healy were keeping things hot when I got there. I had to leave before they wrapped things up, but the crowd sure looked hungry for more.
I couldn't possibly list everyone who helped out at these events, so please don't think less of me for not trying to do so. It's the hard work of everyone in our court that makes it work.
Sign me very proud of our courtiers