Kevin Roche (kproche) wrote,
Kevin Roche

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Project SG-69 -- started at last!

Having determined to go for the larger gate, I marked out the foamcore for cutting tonight.

It develops I was overly conservative in my original cutting layouts, so I was able to get 6 of the main segments out of a 40x60 sheet of foamcore, and the 9 outer trim segments took only about half of the 3/16" thick black sheet.

Which means I'll have 40x30 of 1/2" white and 3/16" black left for trim pieces as I go along. This is probably a good thing, since I'm making part of this up as I go along.

I'm leaving cutting until tomorrow night since I'm sleep-deprived right now and really don't want to screw this up.

I'll add photos when I get a chance.


ETA: Crap!
Just went back to my drawings. Looks like I managed an in-between small size :-(

Good thing I didn't cut tonight, and good thing I'm painting the whole thing anyway.
Tags: costume, events, project sg-69

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