Empress Rachael decided she wanted to walk in the Parade, so I rode in the convertible with Idalis. That was fun, but I've now satisfied my lifetime need to ride like a pageant queen. :-)
From now on it's on foot or on my motorcycle for me, unless I'm in a group that actually manages a float!
Festival was crowded, hot and fun. Danced a bit. Diamond John managed to get the reigning monarchs presented on stage to the crowd (thanks, John!). Had lunch in the VIP tent, a place so exclusive that it was almost completely empty all day. Food was good, though.
Then off to Renegades for the gathering. Crowd wandered in late, but we'd been warned they would. ICP Allen and I managed to raise $118 in drawing tickets for a couple of nudes, some movies and a Boynton hippo in a purple tutu! With the able skills of Madame Steele and Michael Healy, the hamburgers and hot dogs ran out completely, just as we were due to close. Oh -- and Ava managed to sell another entire box of chocolate.
I guess the boys were hungry after their day in the sun :-)
Went home and crashed again (big surprise).
A long and fruitful weekend for our court.
Scratchy throat -- time for bed