Kevin Roche (kproche) wrote,
Kevin Roche

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Calling all Knights of the Log Table!

3 years ago, you may recall we mounted a group viewing of "Spamalot" for my 49th birthday.

(If you don't recall, it was a fabulous outing).

On Saturday, August 25, a bunch of us are attending the Monty Python and the Holy Grail Quote-along at the Retro Dome.

So, I'm encouraging any of you who can to dig out your tabard and come join the fun (it's 15 bucks for the show). Reply in the comments and we can make an effort to get you seated in our mob.

If you weren't part of the original KotLT, we have a few extra tunics. Comment away and we might be able to kit you out, too!
Tags: costumes, monty python, retro dome, silliness, spamalot

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