Kevin Roche (kproche) wrote,
Kevin Roche

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TDK (Tiki Dalek) can Talk!

I've been working on refinements to the Tiki Dalek.

Several are designed to make him pack as more flat pieces (and thus be more shippable).

However, one of the critical lacks at Gallifrey when he was out conga-ing in the hallways was his inability to speak to the folks around him.

That has been fixed!

The voice modulator is not a perfect Dalek voice; I have plans for a better one. This is built using a hobby kit based on the WIN8072 IC, but had the advantage of coming with a pre-etched circuit board and all the necessary components for quick assembly.

TDK will debut with his new voice at Nova Albion this weekend (shhh)
Tags: conventions, costume, doctor who, gallifrey one, project tdk, tiki dalek

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