Kevin Roche (kproche) wrote,
Kevin Roche

Theres a new issue of Yipe!

Volume 3, Issue 2, "Whom?" is now available for free download at

This one is a monster special Doctor Who pictorial edition, with lots of guest contributors.

I'm not going to waste too much bandwidth describing it here, because I'd MUCH rather you simply hopped over there and feasted your eyes upon it!

As usual, it's available in two resolutions; all previous issues are still available for download on the site as well.

Take advantage of the multidimensional temporal vortex that is teh intarwebs and have a gander!

PS. There's just about a week left for eligible members to submit their Hugo nominations ballots. This year Yipe is (finally) eligible for nomination in the fanzine category. If you like our 'zine, please keep us in mind.

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