Kevin Roche (kproche) wrote,
Kevin Roche

Give the Gift of Yipe!

Kids make their wishlists without any care for how realistic said hopes are given socioeconomic trends and their tax bracket. It doesn’t matter if they get a jet pack or a ray gun or a nuclear-powered arm cannon. The important thing is, for a brief moment, they think they might.

Even if it’s just for a fleeting moment, a kid’s mind opens up to the vast universe around them. Maybe it’s possible for a decrepit, morbidly obese man to harness a team of faster-than-light ruminants to distribute roughly 18 billion presents across the entire globe in less than 12 hours.

Sure, Kevin wants a Jet Pack, Ms.Sheriff wants a Ray Gun, I want the power to crush skulls between my cruel digits, and Mette wants everything all at once… but are we going to get them?
Does it matter, as long as we WANT them in the first place?

YIPE! Volume 2, Issue 12, “All I Want…,” is now available for free download from

Volume 3 is due out in 2011. Oh, is it 2011 NOW? If you have something to submit (or want to send a letter of comment), contact us at editors (at) before we run out of year!

P.S. The December 2010 issue (2.12) is actually the 16th issue of Yipe! magazine since we started publication in October of 2009. To those kind souls who thought us worthy of Hugo nomination last year, we are now actually *eligible* for nomination, which we were not last year.
Tags: fanzines, yipe!, yipezine

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