Kevin Roche (kproche) wrote,
Kevin Roche

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Quick update on progress

I have managed a couple more work sessions on the Dalek (squeezed in around SorcerorCon and SmofCon).

Finished base plate
Finished base plate
This is the two 11/32 thick base plates laminated together with Gorilla Glue, and sanded and drilled for the t-nuts (some of which are installed). After the rest of the t-nuts were installed the whole assembly was spray-lacquered.
Closeup of T-nuts for caster
Closeup of T-nuts for caster
Just a closeup of one set of the installed t-nuts for the casters in the finished (laminated together) base plate
Layout for the upper skirt/lower shoulder plate
Layout for the upper skirt/lower shoulder plate
Upper plates ready to cut
Upper plates ready to cut
these two have to match closely, so after layout the two sheets were screwed together
Boring closeup of a screw holding the top-plate sheets together
Boring closeup of a screw holding the top-plate sheets together
The upper skirt plates cut out (but still screwed together)
The upper skirt plates cut out (but still screwed together)
upper plates after separation
upper plates after separation
base and upper plates (for size comparison)
base and upper plates (for size comparison)
Assembled base frame (the hinged upper plates are propped apart for the photo)
Assembled base frame (the hinged upper plates are propped apart for the photo)
Another view of the assembly
Another view of the assembly
You can see the angle brackets on the struts for the seat
angle brackets for seat
angle brackets for seat
the aluminum struts are a product called 80/20. They are slotted for a special sliding t-nut, so I can adjust the seat brackets precisely and then tighten them securely.
angle bracket
angle bracket
Assembled frame with top plates closed
Assembled frame with top plates closed
this is still a loose assembly to check alignment; I need to counterbore the end threads of the struts slightly before I can tighten the furniture bolts completely. The top plates have been sanded but not yet spray-lacquered. The lacquer is just to seal the wood against random spills, etc.

Tags: conventions, costume, gallifrey one, project tdk, silliness, tiki dalek

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