Kevin Roche (kproche) wrote,
Kevin Roche

Secret Plans for Gallifrey One: Catch 22 -- Project TDK (Tiki Dalek Kevin)

OK, you asked for it.

Here is the initial design sketch for my Gallifrey masquerade entry, code named Project TDK (aka Tiki Dalek Kevin, although you can substitute Kooky or Krazy if you prefer).

This all stemmed from some square fobbed tassels Andy and I saw in a fabric outlet store in Dallas, they looked like robots wearing grass skirts and my imagination went off from there.

The object is to make this so it assembles onto a light-weight collapsible frame so it can be easily transported and maneuvered.

Design concept for Tiki Dalek
Design concept for Tiki Dalek
The bottom skirt is short plastic green grass skirting; the upper skirt is natural raffia skirting; the hemispheres are polished half coconut shells. The lower shoulder section (top of the skirt) is lightweight wood; the "shoulders" are basketweave with bamboo half-rounds for the slats. The shoulders are simplified, with a flat front instead of the two gun boxes for the ball joints. The gun is a Tiki torch; the plunger assembly is on a bamboo cane and carries a brightly colored tiki cocktail. The inner mesh of the neck is octagonal-weave basket; the struts are more bamboo canes and the three neck rings are ?? (tiny hula hoops, more bamboo, ??) The dome is thatched, and where the lamps would be located are a pair of cone shells. The ocular is made from a coconut cup on a bamboo cane, with several paper cocktail umbrellas in place of the disks.

Note -- I've found a source for the coconut shells, $100 for 250 polished half shells. I only need 60. Anyone else have a use for them?
Tags: costume, doctor who, gallifrey one, masquerade, project tdk, silliness, tiki dalek

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