Kevin Roche (kproche) wrote,
Kevin Roche

Coronation Part II

Another page from the program --

The Three Ring Rainbow Court of Love Lust and Laughter

Where we went this year:

Our events:

Stockton Coronation
SF Investiture
Costume-Con 22
Sacramento Coronation
Denver Coronation
Fresno Coronation
Orange County
Baycon 2004
GLAAD Media Awards
San Jose Pride
Reno Coronation
Phoenix Uniform ball
SF Pride
Modesto Ducal Ball
Billy DeFrank Youth Prom
Alameda Ducal
Rainbow Chamber of Commerce Summer BBQ
Sacramento Ducal
The 62nd World Science Fiction Convention
Alameda Imperial
Chicago Coronation 1
SF Ducal
Folsom St Fair
Mr/Ms Gay SF Contest
Modesto Closet Ball
Portland Coronation
Alameda Investiture
Modesto Coronation
LA/Hollywood Coronation
Las Vegas Coronation
Rainbow Chamber of Commerce Holiday Luncheon
Reno Ducal Ball
TGSF Cotillion
Further Confusion 2005
Chico Coronation
SF Coronation
Seattle Coronation
Night at the Oscars
Long Beach Coronation

Investiture at TDs
BBQ at Madame Steele’s
Broadway Goes Hollywood at KOC
BBQ at Carla’s
Mr/Ms Gay SouthBay
Imperial Family Pool Party
Fashion and Fantasy at Savoy
Pride Kickoff with 104.9 FM at KOC
50s-60s-70s at KOC
Chicago at the Savoy
Sunday Gatherings at Renegades:
Weekly July 11-October 3
Xmas Eve in July at Carla’s
Xmas in July at Dar’s Hideaway
Tea Party at Madame Steele’s
Chicago Encore at the Savoy
Hodown at Dar’s Hideaway
Friday the 13th at KOC
Wine and Cheese at Vin Santo
Gypsy Hijinks at Carla’s
Drag Roullette at Dar’s Hideaway
Rhinestones Under the Stars
Crown Ball
Emperor’s New Clothes at KOC
Scorpio Party at KOC
Ducal Ball at Carla’s
Wine and Cheese for Charity Redux at Vin Santo
Winter Beach Party at KOC
XMAS show at Splash
ICP Ball at Billy DeFrank Center
Illusion Ball at Billy DeFrank Center
E&E Ball at Billy DeFrank Center
Ultimate Wine and Cheese for Charity at Vin Santo
Sockhop/Sweetheart’s Ball at Dar’s Hideaway

Busy little beavers, weren't we?

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