Kevin Roche (kproche) wrote,
Kevin Roche

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Ten Hours and a bit (and counting)...

A minor request --

Those of you who are making a special trip to witness the legal pronunciation this evening, it's going to be short* and sweet, probably right at the beginning of things, perhaps in place of a particular motion to which the Treasurer always Objects.

It is *not* supposed to overwhelm or completely displace the other regularly scheduled insanity that is the weekly meeting. We did the big hoopla back in 2005. So just keep that in mind for the sake of the other attendees and the restaurant, 'k?

And an answer for folks who object that marriage is only for a man and a woman because it's point is to foster procreation:

Um, no. SEX is for procreation.

Marriage is for promoting family ties and stability, both between the immediate parties to the marriage and their extended families. Always has been, according to my understanding of the history of marriage compacts. I understand how some folks might get that confused these days, since many churches teach that sex is shameful except in the context of marriage. But that's their problem.

Sex is for procreation.
Marriage is for family.

*Short Short. As in similar to the ceremony from 1:59 to 2:10 in this clip:
Tags: basfa, events, life, wedding

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