We are in the final whirl (44 days!) towards our Coronation Ball on March 12th!
This weekend, I'm off to Chico for their coronation. I've been asked to sing the Canadian national anthem in the flag ceremony, and am honored to do so.
But in the meantime, you can attend the Illusion Ball at the Billy DeFrank LGBT Community Center on Saturday January 29. The show starts at 5PM.
Then, next weekend it's the E & E Ball, again at the DeFrank Center on Saturday Feb 5, 7PM (Show at 8PM).
The theme is Shaken Not Stirred: Cruisin' at the RetroRocket Caberet!
I get to do a fusion of two of my favorite things: Science Fiction and Cocktail Culture!
Friday February 11, we'll be back one final time at King of Clubs for their Black and Blue Ball: Dungeons and Drag Queens
and Saturday February 12, we'll be at Dar's Hideaway for our Fifties Sock Hop and Sweethearts Ball
And, Tuesday, February 15, the final event of the 34th Reign before Coronation: Ultimate Wine and Cheese for Charity.
(Details for all the IRLM events are on the IRLM calendar at Imperial Royal Lion Monarchy Calendar)
Why is that the final event, you ask? Because the next weekend (President's Day) is The Imperial Court of San Francisco's Coronation and 40th Anniversary Gala, the weekend after that is The Imperial Court of Seattle's Coronation, and the weekend after that is Imperial Court of Long Beach's Coronation. The monarchs of all those courts have been good friends and very supportive, so I want to reciprocate by being at their stepdowns.
What a whirl, eh?
More soon!
Why I'm doing the Happy Dance
After striking the set for the ICP ball on Jan 8, we discovered that my "campaign bag", a small olive-drab nylon shoulder bag that I use for hauling around event flyers and things, had gone missing. We were 99.99 6/100% sure that it had been misplaced rather than taken, but it has eluded us since then. This was particularly distressing, as my Crown Pin (which I wear to indicate my Imperial status when wearing the real crown isn't appropriate) and other shiny things were in it, as well as the remainder of my invitations for guests of the dais for Coronation.
None of the jewelry is hideously expensive, but the crown pin, in particular, was a special gift and irreplaceable. I've been quite unhappy.
Today I heard from one of the staff members at the Billy DeFrank Center that she has my bag safe in her office.