Kevin Roche (kproche) wrote,
Kevin Roche

Wow! what a night

We raised $2478 at the ICP Ball Saturday night. Great job, Allen and Ava!

$60 was towards our commemorative Monarch's Wall at the DeFrank center. The winner of the final TV/DVD combo was someone who bought a ticket in the first round of sales during the 33rd Reign!

$115 was donated specifically for the special Imperial Court System/UNICEF Tsunami Relief fund (you can read about it at the Imperial Court System website.

I got to present a giant check for $2000 to Patrick Soricone, Executive Director of the Billy De Frank LGBT Community Center. That's one of the fun parts of being Emperor.

Special Kudos to bovil who workd offstage running sound while almost 40 performers crossed the stage, to Emperor 33 Beej Martinez who came by to drop off 20 liters of Coke and 100 pounds of ice and stayed to tend bar all night (tho' I still have to teach him how to make martinis. I played relief bartender for him a couple of times and shook up any martinis that needed mixing), and to board president Empress 30 Margaret Ramirez who worked the door.

And yes, Miss Debra Taunt did make a special guest appearance to reprise her infamous version of Carmen Miranda's "Lady in the Tutti-Frutti Hat". There was a generous helping of WTF!!??? as the audience figured out about halfway through that Miss Debra was the Emperor in face, followed by Oh, No! She isn't going to do that as she began to play the banana marimba, and general uproarious applause as her hat grew an extra 3 foot tall bunch of bananas in the finale.

Andy and I got home at 4am after striking the set and finishing cleanup of the center (Thanks to Crown Prince Mark who stayed with us to the bitter end; we sent ICP Allen home about halfway through cleanup because he had a house full of out-of-town guests and was pooped).

So -- the next event is the Illusion Ball on Jan 29, again at the DeFrank.

And on Feb 5, it's Shaken, Not Stirred: Cruisin' at the Retro-Rocket Cabaret, aka E&E Ball 2005, at the Oddfellows hall above Carla's Salon and Boutique.

See you there!


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