(If you aren't aware, I served as Emperor 34 of the IRLM and hence am "Imperial Family").
We will be "walking" (announced and presented to the outgoing Monarchs) as the UnConventional Foundation and Costume-Con 26, and having lots of fun using titles inspired by our League of Evil Geniuses theme.
If you are interested in attending and walking with us, you can buy tickets via PayPal directly from http://www.irlm.org/coronation.htm ; they are $45 each and include a hors d'oevres buffet. (Look for the Coronation 38 button on the right just below the masthead. Don't let the site injure your retinas.)
I'd like to have enough folks with us to fill a table of ten; they aren't requiring that I buy the entire table in advance, but I would like to fill one.
Comment here if you wish to join us at the event and what Evil Title you think is appropriate for your walk, so I can assemble our protocol.