Kevin Roche (kproche) wrote,
Kevin Roche

  • Mood:

Just call me Imelda...

Many small errands this AM.

Got my quarterly bloodwork drawn (for the Lipitor and cholesterol; have to make sure my liver isn't going to spontaneously combust or anything).

Got the oil changed while we had breakfast at Original Pancake House.

Went to Famous Footwear where I discovered New Balance still makes both styles of the cross-trainers I've worn out (styles 406 & 609, if you care). Yay!
In addition, they can ship a pair of the 406's in black at no extra charge to my house. Double Yay!
And then I grabbed a pair of basic black Rockports in my size. Yay again, and you can call me Imelda.

A couple of misc stops and then a visit to Pierce Ink, where I replaced my surgical steel earrings with a pair of very nice and relatively subtle opalite 12/10 plugs (hourglass shaped with no beads or backs to lose, which is why I needed to replace one of the 10 gauge captured-bead wings; the double taper keeps the plug happily centered in the piercing.) , and a 14 gauge dark blue titanium captured-bead hoop for the small piercing in my left ear (where I often hang a martini charm or one of Springtime Creations' rockets).

And finally a stop at Cooking, Etc., which we discovered is in the middle of a 35% off Retirement Sale and will be Closing Soon. :-( 
I did score a baby cocktail shaker in silverplate to replace the tacky plastic one on my St. George Spirits Special Forces utility belt. :-)

Now I'm going to try to assemble the infamous Cowboy Fabric tropical shirt to wear with a flight suit to the PEERS Space Cowboys Ball.

Bwa ha ha haha! :-)
Tags: costume, life, shopping, silliness

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